
Baquacil Algicide

$32.99 $25.99
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Key Features

- Step 3 of the 3-Step Baquacil System (Old Version)

- Proactive Algae Prevention

- Low-Dosing Formula

- Wide Range of Effectiveness

- Compatible with Chlorine, Bromine, and Baquacil Pools


Baquacil Algicide

(Alternate Step 3)

Baquacil Algicide is an effective solution for preventing algae growth in both Above Ground and In-Ground pools. Adding Baquacil Algicide weekly is a proactive measure to inhibit algae development in your Baquacil Pool, serving a preventive function only. Baquacil Algicide when used as directed is effective at getting rid of green algae, black algae, blue-green algae, and other swimming pool algae and slime producing microorganisms.

Note: Both Baquacil CDX and Baquacil Algicide are interchangeable as Step 3 of the Baquacil System.


  • Initial:
    • Add 5.25 fl oz of Baquacil Algicide per 10,000 gallons of pool water. In the presence of visible algae growth, treat with the initial dose. Vacuum the pool after 24 hours to eliminate algae debris. If visible algae persist or reappear, repeat the treatment procedure as necessary. Once the pool is free of visible algae, transition to the recommended maintenance dose.
  • Maintenance Dose:
    • Add 1 1/4 fl oz per 10,000 gallons of pool water. The maintenance dose should be added on a weekly basis. In the event of prolonged high temperatures lasting more than a few days, it is advisable to add a maintenance dose to prevent algae growth. Additionally, after heavy or prolonged rainfall, the maintenance dose should be applied.
      • (if make up rate of water being added exceeds 10% or more in a week add 1/2 fl. oz. for each 1,000 gallons of water)
    • For Persistant Algae or Algae growth: add 5-7 1/2 ounces of Baquacil Algicide per 10,000 gallons of waterdirectly into the skimmer with the pool pump running. After one minute shut off the pump and allow the system to remain off overnight the following day restart the pump and add 5 - 7 1/2 ounces of Baquacil Algicide to the pool. Run the filter continuously for 24 - 48 hours. Do not forget to brush the pool floors and walls to loosen up any algae.
  • For Winterization: Add the initial dose prior to closing your pool. This dose helps provide a preventive measure to keep alage from growing during the winter months

Baquacide Algicide is added directly into the pool with the filter running. Swimmers must wait 15 minutes before re-entry.


  • Active Ingredient: n-Alkyl (60%, 30% C16, 5% C12 and 5% C18) dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride: 49.8%,
  • n-Dialkyl (60% C14, 30% C16, 5% C12 and 5% C18) menthyl benzyl ammonium chloride: 0.2%,
  • Other Ingredients: 50%

Size: 32 fl. oz.