Confer Plastics 9300 Roll-2-Guard Above Ground Pool Modular Entry System
The Versatile 9300 Roll2Guard Can be Used With Almost Any Above Ground Swimming Pools. Two 9300 Roll2Guard Above Ground Ladders may be Combined to Make an A-Frame Ladder System.
Key Features:
Adjustable From 48" to 60" to accomdate different heights.
Intergrated full-lenght handrails built in for added stability.
Lockable RollGuard Barrier (INCLUDES COMBO LOCK).
Extra large top platform.
More treads means less rise making this pool ladder easy to climb.
No extension or conversion kits required.
Install Configurations
1 Box
Deck Ladder (Interior Pool Ladder)
ground to Step (Exterior Pool Ladder)
2 Boxes
A-Frame (Requires 2x 9300 Deck/Ground to Step Ladders)
Deck Ladder Installation Instructions:
Install the treads on one of the sidewalls, with the lowest tread being the full lower tread. Tap into place with a rubber mallet. Then install the other sidewall, placing it over the treads. Tap the treads into place
make sure to put treads in such that the slot for the tambour is facing the back of the 9300.
Install the other sidewall, placing it over the treads. Tap the treads into place 2: Install the deck, placing it over the sidewalls.
Install the handrails, push them into place and then tap the back with a rubber mallet to make them flush with the sidewall's handrail. (The extension panels are not needed if Installing at the 48" height)
Cut the tambour between the arrows
Install the tambour handle-first into the rear part of the track
Screw the tambour into the bottom tread
Insert the tube through the bottom of the mounting flanges until flush.
Attach the tube and flange to the 9300.
Level the tubes and secure them.
Mount the flange to the deck.
Instructions for Attaching Two Roll2Guard 9300s Together
Place the inside 9300 in the pool and remove the fill plugs 2. Fill the ladder with water and insert the fill plugs
Line the outside 9300 up with the inside 9300, making sure they are the correct heights.
Attach the 9300s together by the back of the handrails using 6 bolts and washers