Individual Replacement FROG® @ease® SmartChlor Cartridge is designed to provide hot tub owners with a convenient and effective solution for maintaining clean and clear water.
Why use Frog @ease SmartChlor:
Reduced Chlorine Usage: Kills bacteria with up to 75% less chlorine compared to ordinary systems, offering a more gentle and pleasant hot tub experience.
Monthly Shocking: With the SmartChlor cartridge, hot tub owners only need to shock their spa once a month with FROG Maintain Non-Chlorine Spa Shock, simplifying the maintenance routine.
Long-lasting Cartridge: The SmartChlor cartridge lasts up to four weeks, depending on hot tub usage, ensuring continuous sanitization with fewer replacements.
Compatible with the FROG Mineral Cartridge: The Mineral Cartridge, part of the FROG @ease system, lasts for four months or until the hot tub is drained.
No Faded Swimwear or Chlorine Smell: Enjoy clear water without the negative effects of chlorine, such as faded swimwear and unpleasant odors.
No Mess, No Guess, No Stress: The system eliminates the need for daily or weekly maintenance, providing a stress-free hot tub experience.
No CYA: Cyanuric Acid (CYA) is a chemical used to stabilize chlorine and prevent degradation of chlorine from the sun's harmful UV Rays.
The Easiest Water Testing Solution in the spa industry with Frog @ease Test Strips!