
Leisure Time Bromine Start-Up Kit

Leisure Time
Current Stock:

Kit Includes

- Leisure Time Brom Tabs (3.5 oz)

- Leisure Time Sodium Bromide (2 oz)

- Leisure Time Metal Gon (16 fl. oz)

- Leisure Time Renew (1 lb)

- Water Sample Bottle

Leisure Time Bromine Start-Up Kit

Leisure Time Bromine Start-Up Kit – your comprehensive solution for initiating and maintaining the Bromine system in your spa. This all-in-one kit contains essential products carefully curated for a hassle-free Bromine spa experience.

Kit Contents:

  1. Leisure Time Brom Tabs (3.5 oz): These Bromine Tablets are an integral part of the kit, designed for use with a spa floater. They play a crucial role in maintaining the Bromine levels in your spa water.

  2. Leisure Time Sodium Bromide (2 oz): Sodium Bromide is included to establish a reserve of bromide ions in the spa water. This reserve is necessary for activating the Bromine Tablets.

  3. Leisure Time Metal Gon (16 fl. oz): Metal Gon is a crucial component that prevents the adverse effects of metals in your spa water. It helps sequester metals, preventing staining and other issues.

  4. Leisure Time Renew (1 lb): Renew is an essential product for shock treatment in Bromine systems. It effectively eliminates organic contaminants, keeping your spa water clear and clean.

  5. Water Sample Bottle: Included in the kit is a water sample bottle to make testing and monitoring your spa water convenient.

Usage Instructions:

  1. Leisure Time Brom Tabs: Place the Bromine Tablets in a spa floater for continuous and controlled Bromine release.

  2. Leisure Time Sodium Bromide: Add Sodium Bromide to establish a bromide reserve. Follow the recommended dosage instructions.

  3. Leisure Time Metal Gon: Use Metal Gon to prevent metal-related issues in your spa water. Add the specified amount based on your spa's capacity.

  4. Leisure Time Renew: Shock treat your spa water with Renew to eliminate organic contaminants. Add the recommended dosage periodically for effective maintenance.

  5. Water Sample Bottle: Use the water sample bottle to collect spa water for testing. Follow the instructions provided for accurate testing.

Experience the convenience and effectiveness of the Leisure Time Bromine Start-Up Kit – everything you need for a successful Bromine spa system start-up and maintenance.

Instructions: Leisure Time Spa Care Guide

Chemical Type:
Start Up Kits